Thursday, May 13, 2010

DTW review

For starters, this year was kick-ass

ADT piece:
Really good/cool idea. Much better today than yesterday. It was nice seeing everyone dance together.

Exciting idea. Lights kind of saved the dance. Much better from the balcony than downstairs.

I enjoyed it, but it was the only dance that wasn't particularly memorable.

Tolu being epic. The best story telling of all the dances.

What the hell was that! Hip-hop/modern with cool lights (excuse me -- really cool lights) and music. 'nough said. Oh and you were awesome Juliet :)

Pretty. Like Abigail's, much better from the balcony than downstairs. You could actually see the paper being shaped from the balcony... which made the dance make sense :)

A beautiful dance. So much talent went into choreographing and dancing in this piece.

Um... kind of fail. Specifically fail costuming. (HSM: "stick to the stuff you know..." you know who I mean)

A scene from Charlotte's mind. I liked it much better the second time I saw it (from the orchestra as opposed to the balcony). Much more technical work than I expected.

I actually liked his piece quite a bit. I liked the fact (same's true with amadi's but not as striking) that you could use hip-hop to do something more than the standard ghetto-esq feel. Plus, fire's cool.

General comments:
All in all I really enjoyed DTW this year. I also loved the fact that there were two male modern dancers who were any good, and they kind of just divided the pieces up between them. It was nice seeing them together (with the two girls) in Henry's. On the same note, sooo many guys in Sam's. Like really? No female hip-hop dancers (besides Tolu- love ya). Hmmn what else. Some had quite a bit to do with chance... others not so much. The dances (with the exception of Tolu) were pretty much just dances. There wasn't that much story movement in the dances, more like a cool idea depicted by good dancing.

Oh, one other thought. With the exception of Henry's, the choreographers really didn't need to be in their own pieces. They could have stood on their own without the physical dancing of the choreographers. Kudos to the choreographers who didn't put themselves in their own dances.

Great job everyone! :)

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