Thursday, May 28, 2009


What do you think of the new colors/background

Seriously post comments so I can make it better :)

Monday, May 25, 2009


Of the blogs I have read and of the sentiments I perceive in my companions I am alone in this conviction.

I am enamored of isolation.

My entire life has been spent in isolation.

This has allowed me to become who I want to become without interference.

This is not to say I have not become attached to others.
This is not to say I have not let others in.

I am merely saying that only by oneself can you define yourself.

You cannot be strong in your convictions if you know not what they are.

This is why isolation is imperative to reflection, is imperative to growth

You cannot move through life without knowing who and what you are.

So, my advice to those reading my blog:
If you have not had a time of isolation,
If you have not had a time of reflection,

Take the time now

Societal Power

It is not that I yearn for power.
It is not that I crave influence.

I have it.

You wonder why it is what I have is mine and not yours.
It is because the reality I see is truth.
It is because I am competent.

You have four choices.

You can ignore me
You can join me
You can trust me
or You can cross me

Choose wisely, but know the consequences of your choice.

The Righteous Fools

Don't you understand?

Why can't you see the reality I see?

It is not that you lack righteousness. It is not that you are wrong.

It is merely that you do not see society as it truly is.

You yearn for accomplishment but know not how to achieve it.

I do.


I have moved through life a cautious observer
I was the one who watched.

There has, with the coming of a new age,
The dawn of a new era and the dusk of an old,
Began a change in my approach.

No longer am I the watcher, observing from an arm's length.

I am now connected.

The challenge I face is whether I can remain objective while within the circle of dramatic society.


An object in motion stays in motion
An object at rest stays at rest

Unless compelled otherwise by an external force

I am at rest.


One of my particular favorite pastimes is dreaming.

Dreaming allows you to enter into a world of unconscious imagination such that you are not in control of events.

I am a heavy sleeper so I rarely dream.
Perhaps that is why I enjoy them.

I feel that though time is never wasted sleeping; it is being used productively while dreaming.

It's too bad most dreams are reruns.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


It is in silence that is the lack of human influence
Where it is only you and existence

That you can be the most at peace


Beauty is a quality.

The way I find this easy to consider is in regard to facets.

If beauty is a property present in all
Then each object or situation has multiple facets, multiple ways of potential perception
Not all see the same facet

In this manner everything is beautiful you merely may not be able to perceive it.


All things have limitless qualities that define what it is.
I hold that quality is intrinsic.

Through human response however we become incapable of perceiving the full extent of any given one.

Who is not to say that the sum of all perception however is the true limit to a given quality.
Would this mean that quality is dependent on perception.

If perception is determined by emotion and quality dependent on perception

Without emotion, would a quality be nonexistent or infinite?

The piece of the puzzle missing in this analysis is that perception can exist without emotion. If you eliminate the limiter of perception, you thereby eliminate the limiter of a quality.

Quality is thus intrinsic and infinite.


If all things have intrinsic qualities, it is by human reaction that we can measure them.

It is the visceral reaction to a given that limits the degree of a quality we can see.

If then, we loose this emotional response we should be able to see beyond traditional limits of perception.

All things will become clearer,
We will perceive an even greater meaning than we could before.

If we shed the limits of emotional response, we must also be prepared to loose that emotion.

One of the attributes that make us human is our ability to have emotions, and in turn have this cloud our judgment.

Is this clarity of perception worthy of the loss of humanity?


I am a character

Did you ever wonder why everything I do is expected? It is because I have at one point decided what it is that I am. I spend my days therefore being and perfecting this entity.

I suppose that means that all you know me as is intention.

I doubt this is a bad thing.

I sometimes wonder if there is more to me anymore than the character I have become.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


There is one who shows us not his individuality.

He changes his action, his attitude, his mannerism based on what is around him.

What would he be if you remove society?

Could he exist?

I am curious to see if he can speak to me without my speech pattern.

Can he be more than a chameleon?


I was asked once if I believed in God.

(For information's sake I identify with the Jewish community)

I believe that there is an intrinsic truth to all. It then becomes an easy step to join them in a universal matrix. A single truth. To use Emerson's word, all is ONE.

If I call this matrix, this ONE: God
I suppose I do believe in God.

This is a God that is truly all.
God is the name ascribed to a universal truth behind all intrinsic truths.

The question is open as to whether this God can have individual will.
If God is all, then is God's will not the collective will of all?

Can God effect daily action or is God merely a byproduct of existence.

Is God a creator? Is God a being?

God is.


Ralph Waldo Emerson once said:
"In all unbalanced minds, the classification is idolized, passes for the end, and not for a speedily exhaustible means, so that the walls of the system blend to their eye in the remote horizon with the walls of the universe; the luminaries of heaven seem to them hung on the arch their master built."

"the ultimate fact which we so quickly reach on this, as in on every topic, the resolution of all into the ever-blessed ONE"

If there is intrinsic truth in all objects, it follows that there is a unifying truth behind all. Emerson calls this unifying truth "the ever-blessed ONE." He claims that for a mind to be considered balanced it can draw distinction between the wall of human progress and the wall of universal truth.

I do espouse the idea of individual truth. The question remains if I can draw the distinction called for to be balanced. Can my mind move beyond the boundaries of human progress?

I am a mirror

If you look closely you will find I am a mirror

Then what am I as individual, and why are we different?

What is different are our aptitudes and our temperament, our thought and speech.
These in me, however, can be augmented by your presence.

How then is it that we are distinguishable?

We are different in appearance. Yes, this is true. We are physically different.

Is it therefore that our minds are physically different as well? Is this why we are different?

When you know what I am thinking is it because we think the same way or because you know me well.

Is this not a product of our environment?

The truth that is an object is individual.
Could it be that the secret of this truth is that it is universal?

Nature or Nurture?

I am a product of my environment.

If I had not met you I would not be who I am today.

You can tell by my speech patterns that I am my mother's son.
You can tell by my mannerisms that I am my father's son.

Everything from my fashion sense to the products of my mind are unintentionally derivative.

If you look close you will find I am a mirror.

It takes two to dance

Ever been in a conversation where there was a thought in the air that was left unspoken.
Have you ever wondered if that thought was the same.

You agree on an issue, but do not agree on what face you argue.

Politeness dictates it remain unspoken, yet you cannot know if the other knows truth.

You cannot say what you cannot know.
There are things best left alone.

However, there are times when confidence is best broken. There are times when politeness must be thrown asunder.

It takes two to dance, but only one to start the music.
It takes two to dance, but only one to end it.

It takes two to dance


When one is not there it brings upon the soul a time of wondering.

Only through second hand knowledge can one be filled in.
As this is skewed by the teller, is this gossip?

There, however, is another layer for someone like me as it falls to me to pick up the pieces.

My question at this moment lies in what happened, and is there something I must need know before I proceed.


Drama is experiential confusion.
It is a combination of misunderstanding and emotions.

Why is it that I and those of like mind are always stuck with damage control?

(note: damage control will from this point forward be called "DC")

Friday, May 22, 2009

Quotes; Daniel Wegner

"The experience of consciously willing an action begins after the brain events that set the action into motion. The brain creates both the thought and the action, leaving the person to infer that the thought is causing the action." -Daniel Wegner


Perhaps I should begin with a phrase:

Did you understand?
Let me try again:

Did you get it this time?

What is the purpose of writing if none can understand.
What is the purpose of speaking if none can hear.

Does it take another to read the lines. If so, who can read between them?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Epic Trap

Today was an epic trap.

Thus I proclaim May 21 to be Trap Day.


There is a clarity of mind that comes after confusion.

When, through retrospect, the signs are painted on the wall to see.

You wonder if you could have changed the outcome.

But now all that's left is to progress. Progress with feigned ignorance.
How can you fix what was never broken?

How can you prove your intent.

What do you say to someone who must live with wisdom in silence?

You're up at What Hour?

The human body has certain conditions for continued existence.

Life would be easier for those of the younger generation if these conditions were optional.

I enjoy sleeping; however, there are times this activity is inconvenient. Likewise I find it a pain to eat. It consumes not only time, but money and effort. Life would be easier if eating and sleeping were an option not a mandatory activity one must put aside time for.

In this manner I hope to convince not only myself but those around me that there are conditions, activities, that one must set aside time to complete in your daily life. The human body does not take well to such neglect.


There are two kinds of influences in this world.

Whose to say which is who.

Do we define an influence by a passive or active induction to action?
Does that mean that if an action is good the influence is such and vice versa?

What, for that matter, is good? What is bad?

We are all influenced by all that is around us.

It is your choice thereby to accept or reject; internalize or file
All that comes before you.

It should therefore be one's choice what influence is good and which bad.

None besides those involved can say contrary.

Just say 'No'

I have never met someone who is naturally good at letting people down.
It is easy to say yes.
It is easy to disappoint.
It is easy to anger.
But there is not a soul who can kindly say no with ease.

I merely receive the fallout

First post

It's a shame I've taken to blogging.
I much prefer human contact.
This however gives me the opportunity to hear myself and archive the moment.

Follow my blog if you wish, but I promise nothing