Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who am I

I'm not afraid anymore.
I'm not afraid of telling the world who I am.

I have always treated this blog as I have treated the rest of the internet. I firmly believe that anything I put on the internet will reflect me to the rest of the world to all eternity. There are no take-backs on the internet. There is no privacy.

As such, I have never posted anything I would be ashamed of on this blog. I have never done anything in public I would be afraid to attach my name to, afraid that it would be found later.

I have never given particularly personal information on this blog. Unless you know how to read it, there is no way you can know anything about me.

In part I like it that way. It makes what I say have meaning in itself without trying to find connections to my personal life. I'd like that to remain true.

Here, though is something you should know about me to understand some of the more confessional style blogging I plan on doing in the coming years:

I am currently a senior in high school in New York City. I will be attending Northwestern University this fall (yes I did get in early and I'm psyched) where I will hopefully begin a life of studying only things I find genuinely interesting.

I have a comparably happy home life. My parents are happily married and both working. I have a younger sister who will start high school this coming fall.

I am a musician. I have played the piano for 11 years, french horn for 8 and I have taken voice lessons since starting high school. I have only recently begun my life as a contemporary musician and I have been spending time (and plan on spending more) writing and composing my own music.

My classmates voted me extra-curricular junkie for the school yearbook to come out at the end of the year and, at least for my high school life, I believe that's an accurate description. I have been quite involved in a number of student organizations at the management level and am working with the student government this year to fix a lot of the way we do things.

As a courtesy to my fellow bloggers I am withholding my name and current school at this time. I believe that every individual should have the opportunity to tell the public what they will when they want and there is a good chance you could find out who some of my friends are from some of my personal information.

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