Sunday, February 14, 2010

Poetry Series #6:



So I just finished reading Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. It was really quite good. Quite a number of people die. So it goes.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Poetry Series #5: Time marches

There is a dearth of influence
To drag us from our lonely beds,
When the clock strikes the hour
We should be elsewhere.

You plan the day in your mind as
You perform your daily ablutions.
The heavy bag complimented
By your spirit.

The ground clings to your feet
As the cars rush around you.
The sun blinding every time,
You try and be safe.

The bus you take, or the car you drive
Or the subway you ride
Take you
Where you'd rather not

The doors open
Time marches

Lyrics; Dirait-on


Abandon entouré d'abandon,
tendresse touchant aux tendresses…
C'est ton intérieur qui sans cesse
se caresse, dirait-on;

se caresse en soi-même,
par son propre reflet éclairé.
Ainsi tu inventes le thème
du Narcisse exaucé.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Thank You and a Rant

Post 100

It's nice to rejoin the world...

My world...

One of them at least.

I'm sick of pretending.
And I'm sick of honor.

I'm sick of trying at something I
Just don't care about anymore.
And I'm sick of your meaningless condescension.

I'm sick of your acting
I know who you are

I'm sick of trying
I'm sick of trying to
Connect with you when you wont let me

Everything gives a little, takes a little

Give a little.

Damn you.

I'm sick of commitments
I'm sick of commitments that aren't commitments
I'm sick of keeping a promise I never vocalized
You never asked for

Who are you to tell me what I want
Who are you to tell me how I should live my life
Who are you to judge my choice

Respect the individual for their own set of values
Accept them for who they are

You are all guilty.

You are All guilty.


For those who throw no pretense
For my sake
For the worlds sake

You have my thanks

And may my world be populated by you